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Our translations are performed by Marcela Arenas, a certified professional translator with over 30 years of experience. Marcela holds various accreditations and certifications, ensuring high-quality translations.

Our translations are accepted by various institutions worldwide, including governments, courts, and universities. However, it’s advisable to confirm with the specific receiving office if our translation meets their requirements. We guarantee acceptance of our certified translations by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

A certified translation is a word-for-word human translation provided on our letterhead, accompanied by a signed and stamped Certificate of Translation Accuracy. It’s recognized by U.S. Immigration (USCIS), universities, and various government bodies.

Certified translations are delivered as a non-editable PDF, including a signed, stamped Certificate of Translation Accuracy. These translations are on our letterhead, with our ATA certification number, and mirror the source document’s format. A physical copy with wet ink signatures can also be shipped upon request.

The time needed to complete a translation depends on various factors, including word count, language pair, current workload, translator availability, and document complexity. Generally, the expected turnaround times are:

1-3 pages: 2 business days
4-10 pages: 4 business days
11-20 pages: 6 business days
Over 20 pages: More than 6 business days

Yes, expedited service is available for an additional fee, reducing the standard turnaround time by about 50%.

Notarization is offered for certified translations at an additional cost. This includes a signature from our representative and the Florida Notary Public. The notarization is valid across all 50 states.

We do not directly provide apostilles. However, you can obtain one from the Florida Secretary of State following their guidelines for notarized certified translations. For more information, read our Obtaining an Apostille for a Notarized Certified Translation.

We guarantee the accuracy and acceptance of our translations. Any errors will be corrected promptly, and adjustments or refunds are provided if not accepted.

Yes, we provide nationally valid certified translations for legal documents, typically completed within 48 hours.

We prioritize the security of your personal data and files. To ensure confidentiality, we use SHA-256 with RSA-2048 SSL/TLS encryption for secure data transfer and storage. Access to your information is restricted to essential staff who have signed non-disclosure agreements. Furthermore, we adhere to a strict confidentiality policy and are willing to sign specific non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) upon client request, to provide an added layer of security and trust.

We offer multiple payment options for your convenience, including all major credit cards, Venmo, PayPal and Zelle.